Women’s Wellness after Cancer Program
Research has revealed that certain lifestyle factors and health behaviours can have a positive impact upon quality of life, chronic disease risk factors and other health related areas, for women after cancer.
A team of leading Australian health researchers have trialled the effectiveness of this 12 week structured lifestyle program. The program aims to improve health and wellness in women who have had breast, blood and/or gynaecological cancer.
About the program
This program is evidence-based. It focuses on physical activity, healthy eating, better sleep and lifestyle habits, as well as improving quality of life. The program has been developed especially for women after cancer with an emphasis on wellness and the management of residual side effects following treatment.
The WWACP is designed for midlife and older women who have been treated for breast, blood and/or gynaecological cancer. This program is ideal for women who are near completion or who have completed their cancer treatment.
For more information or to register your interest in the Women’s Wellness After Cancer Program contact us at info@dawncomplete.org.au