The Women’s Wellness program for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The Women’s Wellness program for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a chronic, relapsing, disorder of the gut. People with IBS commonly experience abdominal pain, bloating, changes in bowel habits, and a poor quality of life.

The Women’s Wellness IBS program is a comprehensive 5-part program initially developed for Aotearoa, New Zealand, and is designed to be administered by Dietitians, Registered Nutritionists, or IBS nurses for women who would like professional support to manage their IBS.

About the program

Our aim is to start people on a journey to understand and learn about IBS and how to maintain a healthy positive life i.e., ‘Wellness’. These five PARTS are building blocks to help people with IBS develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle and make it easy to begin a WELLNESS (ORANGA) journey with IBS.

Through this program, tools will be provided to help people overcome challenges and barriers that they and their families, might face in living a healthy and well life with IBS.

After the initial consultation with a health professional, they go through the first three parts ‘Healthy Eating and Gut health’, ‘Healthy Thinking and Feeling’ and ‘Healthy Activity’ and complete the activities suggested.

After these parts are completed, it is time for a second health professional consultation to check whether doing these may be all that is needed to reduce symptoms of IBS.

Then it can be decided, with the health professional, if they need to use Part Four – the ‘Healthy FODMAPs’ section or go straight to part five “Healthy Living’ to achieve their wellness.

The ‘Healthy FODMAPs’ section is more prescriptive and moves through a step-by-step approach to applying, and then challenging an exclusion diet to determine which FODMAPs are problematic to your gut. A professional’s guidance through this section is highly recommended.

After Section Five the program is completed with a final health professional consultation.

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The Women’s Wellness program for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Expression of Interest for Health Professionals

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