Pasifika Women’s Diabetes Wellness Program

Pasifika Women’s Diabetes Wellness Program

Welcome to the Pasifika Diabetes Wellness Program for Māori and Pasifika women in Queensland.

Ni sa bula | Mālō e lelei | Kia ora | AboHalo olketa | Tālofa lava | Kam na mauri | Ekamowir omo | Ran annim  | Kia orana | Fakaalofa lahi atu | Aloha | Håfa ådai | ‘Ia ora na | Namaste| Asslamualeikum

“In a Pasifika Way means being supported by others through the Whariki (a woven mat we sit on together) with our community “
Aunty Wynn Te Kani

About the program

The ‘Pasifika Women’s Diabetes Wellness Program (PWDWP)’ is a 24 week culturally tailored  intervention to promote the health and wellbeing of  Māori & Pasifika living with type 2 diabetes. The program was co-designed and co-developed with Māori & Pasifika communities in Queensland.

The program includes interactive whānau education workshops with self-care tools and resources, individual consultations and virtual support forums with a dedicated team of Māori & Pasifika community health workers and diabetes educator, to help and support you and your family through your wellness journey. We provide a culturally safe space for our women to share their experience and help motivate each other.

We will use the information to help improve diabetes programs for Māori and Pasifika women and their families.

Want To Be Part of a Diabetes Wellness Pilot Program for Māori And Pasifika Women?

We are looking for Māori & Pasifika women aged 18 years and over, with Type 2 Diabetes living in South-east Queensland, to be part of the holistic wellness program.

Hear from some of our Pasifika community members who took part in our research and helped inform the Pasifika Women’s Diabetes Wellness Program here.

How do I get involved?

For more information or to register your expression of interest here.

Want to know more about the program?

Contact us at or call 0416 686 820.

Our Facebook communities

This Project has QUT Ethics Approval: 5609

Delivery Partners

Funding Support

  • Diabetes Australia Research Program
  • Australian Health Research Alliance Women’s Health Research Translation Network Grants (AHRA WHRTN)
  • Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the land we are on and pay our respects to their Ancestors and their descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country and acknowledge that they have never ceded sovereignty. We also like to pay our respect to our Pacific elders to whom we are connected in the home islands.

Register your interest now