Tag Archives: Wellbeing

Leonie Young

We hear stories all the time about people diagnosed with cancer but when it becomes personal we’re never prepared.  Somehow, we seem to think we’re different and these things happen to other people.  Well I learned otherwise.  Cancer is what opened up another world and changed so much about who I thought I was.

Breast cancer was totally unexpected especially as I was only 32 years old.  I was busy enjoying being a mother to my two small daughters.  I certainly wasn’t ready to die, although like most people diagnosed with cancer, this is what I thought.

Just hearing the words You have cancer can be a devastating experience people usually remember for the rest of their lives long after they have forgotten all the details of medical treatment and tests that followed those words.

Often people are so frightened by the word “cancer” they hear nothing else.  Interestingly, hearing the diagnosis may actually be more traumatic for some, regardless of their diagnosis. That’s what having a cancer diagnosis is like – people aren’t necessarily brave or especially wonderful in what they do, they just do what they have to do to survive because there’s really no other choice.

My world soon changed to the previously unknown one of tests, surgery, and chemotherapy.  Cancer treatments aim to save lives but in doing so, they often bring life-changing side-effects.   I eventually found ways to make meaning of what I had been through  and found myself being involved with many aspects of cancer consumer advocacy, support, training, and mentoring.  I became interested in research because I believe evidence based practice is the only way we will see change and I have  been able to work along-side researchers  providing input from my personal experience as they develop their research projects.

Likewise, in my work at the Wesley Hospital Choices Cancer Support Centre (Choices) I help support people diagnosed with cancer from the perspective of someone who has “been there” and now with my work and through initiatives like the Women’s Wellness  Programs and the Younger Women’s Wellness After Cancer Program, this support is able to continue in a very rewarding way.

I’ve survived to see my daughters grow up, get married, and have children.  I have to confess I’m torn between wanting to stay young and knowing that growing older is a privilege many women still don’t have.  When I was that young woman back then I really wanted to be where I am today so I do try really hard to embrace the ever increasing grey hair and consequent extra trips to the hairdresser and wrinkles and all the other things that come with age.

Over time I learned to respect cancer, not fear it.  I discovered the power of the lived experience, the value of peer support, and about how I could make a difference.

I want breast cancer to go away so my daughters and grandchildren – and your children, grandchildren, sisters, mothers, friends can live without the fear of breast cancer.


Alcohol consumption is always a risk and the risk further increases if there is an excess on a regular basis or if binge drinking occurs. Excess alcohol consumption by women can cause issues in weight gain, high blood pressure, and increases risk for many health conditions including cancers and diabetes. Health and wellness in relation to alcohol does not have to take away alcohol all together for women, however promoting a healthy lifestyle whereby alcohol is not relied upon can ensure you are not consuming too much. These are some useful tips for the home and the workplace to promote this balance and provide positive healthy living messages surrounding alcohol intake:

1. Try not to make staff or other outings in places that promote alcohol consumption.
2. Always have water/other options available instead of alcohol at work functions.
3. Attempt to set goals to reduce the amount of standard drinks you have per day/week.
4. Avoid binge drinking.

These few tips can reduce the risks that come with consuming alcohol. Though avoiding alcohol all together would be the ultimate goal to avoid the many risks that can come from its consumption, remember there are other options. By placing smaller goals like specific weeks or months with no alcohol it is recommended to decrease the chances of getting a life-threatening illness and increasing overall health and wellness.

Goal Setting

Goal Setting can be an important action in ensuring health and wellness. Setting goals both large and small can provide direction and focus and promote healthy habits to provide positive outcomes. Here are five goals that the Women’s Wellness Program focuses on to encourage healthy change:

  1. Healthy weight and waist circumference.
  2. Physical activity.
  3. Reducing unhealthy habits.
  4. Healthy eating.
  5. Reducing stress.

Setting small goals within each area gives a starting point. Goal setting should start with goals that are not easy but not impossible. Starting with smaller goals allows you to put in the effort to do something and be able to maintain it. This can include reducing consumption of certain foods/alcohol/smoking daily or increasing physical activity per week. This can also lead into taking time in your day to attempt to reduce stress levels. From here goals can be increased and placed in more specific areas of weight goals, physical activity goals, and beating unhealthy habit (smoking/alcohol/caffeine) goals. Each of these is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing overall wellness.